Tisdale Lab @ MIT

nanoscale energy transport


Thomas wins poster prize at 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Tisdale Lab PhD student Thomas Sheehan won first prize for his poster “Using Time-Resolved Microscopy to Probe Exciton Diffusion in CsPbBr3 Superlattices” at the Symposium EL-02 (Emerging Ultrafast Optical and Structural Probes in Materials Science). Congratulations Thomas!

December 15th, 2023

Narumi wins Graduate Student Award at AIChE 2023

Tisdale lab PhD student Narumi Nagaya Wong won first place in the AIChE Area 8E Graduate Student Award competition for her presentation on interfacial engineering for singlet fission sensitization of silicon. Congratulations Narumi!

November 20th, 2023

Ruomeng defends PhD thesis

Congratulations to Dr. Ruomeng Wan, who successfully defended her PhD thesis in Chemistry in April 2023! Ruomeng has begun an associate position at McKinsey & Company. Congratulations, Ruomeng!

April 30th, 2023

Eric defends PhD thesis

Congratulations to Dr. Eric Powers, who successfully defended his PhD thesis in Chemical Engineering in January 2023! Eric has begun a position as a senior researcher at ASML in San Diego. Congratulations, Eric!

January 30th, 2023

Eliza wins Best Poster at 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Eliza received a conference-level MRS Best Poster Award as well as the symposium-level Best Poster Award at the Symposium NM03 for her presentation on predicting nanocrystal orientation in superlattices by minimizing ligand packing frustration. Congratulations Eliza!

December 15th, 2022

Wenbi defends PhD thesis

Congratulations to Dr. Wenbi Shcherbakov-Wu, who successfully defended her PhD thesis in Chemistry in May 2022! Wenbi has begun a position as a consultant with Boston Consulting Group. Congratulations Wenbi!

May 30th, 2022

Oat defends PhD thesis

Congratulations to Dr. Watcharaphol “Oat” Paritmongkol, who successfully defended his PhD thesis in Chemistry in September 2021! Oat is now an assistant professor at VISTEC in Thailand. Congratulations Oat!

September 30th, 2021

SK defends PhD thesis

Congratulations to Dr. Seung Kyun “SK” Ha, who successfully defended his PhD thesis in Chemical Engineering in September 2021! SK is now a postdoc in Klavs Jensen’s group at MIT. Congratulations SK!

September 30th, 2021