Tisdale Lab @ MIT

nanoscale energy transport


Tisdale Lab featured in MIT News articles

The Tisdale Lab was featured in a series of recent MIT News articles written by Denis Paiste of MIT’s Materials Processing Center. The articles include a feature on Prof. Tisdale, as well as graduate students Mark Weidman and Jolene Mork.

January 12th, 2015

Students win MRS poster awards

Congratulations to Aaron Goodman and Jolene Mork, who won 2nd Prize and Honorable Mention, respectively, for their posters at the 2014 MRS Fall Meeting held two weeks ago in Boston!

Aaron Goodman with poster, MRS Fall 2014.

Aaron Goodman with poster, MRS Fall 2014.


December 18th, 2014

QD-MoS2 energy transfer study makes Nano Letters “most-read” list

Ferry & Aaron’s QD/MoS2 energy transfer paper appeared on the Nano Letters “Most Read Articles” list for October, 2014! Read it here.

November 13th, 2014

PbS QD research highlighted on DOE website

Mark’s advance in PbS QD synthesis was highlighted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials on their website. See the full story here. The original paper was published earlier this year in ACS Nano.

October 8th, 2014

Tisdale receives Buchsbaum grant

Will Tisdale is the recipient of a 2014 award from the Solomon Buchsbaum Research Fund. The $75,000 awards, administered by MIT’s Office of the Provost, are awarded annually to young faculty at MIT to support “innovative ideas and new research initiatives that cut across disciplinary lines.” The award will support the development of a novel microscopy technique for visualizing transport processes at the nanoscale.

June 5th, 2014

Lisa wins NPG poster prize at QD2014 in Pisa

Lisa Poulikakos won the Nature Publishing Group Poster Prize at QD2014 in Pisa, Italy, for her poster titled “Transition from Thermodynamic to Kinetic-Limited Excitonic Energy Migration in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids.” Lisa is pictured below with Fabio Pulizzi, Chief Editor at Nature Nanotechnology. Her paper was published in J. Phys. Chem. C. Congratulations, Lisa!

Lisa with Pulizzi at QD2014

May 16th, 2014

Will Tisdale to receive Baker Award for Teaching

Will is this year’s recipient of the Everett Moore Baker Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. The Institute-wide award is given annually to an MIT faculty member in recognition of “exceptional interest and ability in the instruction of undergraduates.” It is the only teaching award in which the nomination and selection of the recipients is done entirely by the students. Read the MIT News story about this award.

April 30th, 2014

Congratulations Aaron!

Aaron Goodman was awarded a 2014 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. The fellowship will support his research in surface nonlinear optical methods to probe ultrafast interfacial dynamics, and his public science education outreach activities at the MIT Museum. Congratulations Aaron on a well-deserved recognition!

April 1st, 2014

Tisdale Lab receives MITei seed funding

The Tisdale Lab was awarded $150,000 in seed funding from the MIT Energy Initiative for our proposal “Quantum Confined Materials for Thermoelectrics”. From the MIT News website:

“Thermoelectric devices can convert waste heat from car engines, power plants, and other sources directly into electricity. The best thermoelectric materials incorporate performance-enhancing nanoscale features, but fabricating them generally requires expensive methods not cost-effective at scale. As an alternative, Assistant Professor William Tisdale of chemical engineering is evaluating the thermoelectric performance capabilities of colloidal quantum dots (QDs), nanoscale semiconductor crystals whose electronic structure and behavior are defined by particle size and shape. By using novel laboratory techniques to synthesize QD materials, Tisdale will examine how surface chemistry and crystal packing affect charge and heat transport in colloidal QD materials—an understanding that will make possible enhanced thermoelectric performance and the optimization of inexpensive solution-based processes for fabrication of large-area energy conversion devices.”


March 18th, 2014

Will Tisdale receives 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award

Will is a recipient of the 2014 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award. The honor, which is awarded annually to junior faculty in the U.S.  based on academic leadership potential and relevance to 3M’s core mission, includes unrestricted funds to support the research program. Will was nominated by 3M researchers for his work with luminescent quantum dots. See the MIT News Story.


March 15th, 2014

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