Tisdale Lab collaborator QD Vision is the first QD company to have their technology incorporated in a mass-marketed consumer product: QD Vision’s luminescent quantum dots are at the heart of Sony’s new “Triluminous” color technology, which will appear in next year’s line of Bravia high-definition TVs. Read an excellent summary from Nature here. Congratulations to everyone at QD Vision!
January 16th, 2013
The Tisdale Lab welcomes its newest members, Aaron Goodman and Liza Lee! Aaron is a first-year PhD student in Physical Chemistry who plans to focus on development of a novel ultrafast nonlinear optical spectroscopy technique. Liza is a first-year PhD student in Chemical Engineering who plans to pursue a combined computational and spectroscopic approach to understanding stochastic excitonic processes in nanostructured materials. Welcome to both!
December 5th, 2012
Jolene was selected to receive the Department of Chemistry Award for Outstanding Teaching for 2011-2012. The award includes an engraved silver tray and a cash prize. Congratulations, Jolene!
August 30th, 2012
As construction nears completion, riggers spend two days maneuvering more than 6000 lbs of optical tables into the new laser lab. The 150 ft2 floating table system will support vibration-sensitive optical experiments in near-field scanning optical microscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy, and nonlinear optical imaging.
August 21st, 2012
Local middle school science teacher Michael Dower, who spent the summer with us through the Center for Materials Science and Engineering’s Research Experience for Teachers program, recently presented his work on QD thin film processing at the CMSE summer poster session. He is photographed here next to his poster.
August 16th, 2012
The Tisdale Lab welcomes Mr. Michael Dower! Mr. Dower teaches science and technology to fifth- and sixth-graders at the Young Achievers Science and Math Pilot School in Boston. He will spend the summer studying luminescent quantum dot thin films and learning about materials research at MIT. He comes to us through the Research Experience for Teachers, an NSF-sponsored outreach program administered by the Center for Materials Science and Engineering at MIT.
June 27th, 2012
The Tisdale Lab receives seed funding from the MIT Research Support Committee for tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) investigations of nanocrystal assemblies.
June 14th, 2012
The Tisdale Lab welcomes Jolene Mork, who officially begins PhD studies in Physical Chemistry. Jolene recently completed an S.M. in Organic Chemistry with Tim Swager – congratulations, Jolene!
June 14th, 2012
Welcome to the new Tisdale Lab @MIT website!
May 14th, 2012