Our laboratory consists of 1850 ft2 of space on the 1st floor of Building 66 (rooms 125 and 163) on the MIT main campus. This space includes 2 wet lab spaces and an interior environment-controlled laser lab with two large optical bays. Click on a picture below to interact.

Wet lab
- 4 Fume Hoods
- Schlenk Line
- Large glove box with integrated spin coater, centrifuge, and freezer
- Plasma cleaner, sonicator, oven, inspection microscope
- In-house high-purity nitrogen distribution system
- Agilent Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer with integrating sphere attachment
- Fiber-coupled LEDs and spectrometers for benchtop visible and NIR photoluminescence measurement
Laser Lab
The ultrafast bay features:
- 15’x9’x18” L-shaped floating optical table
- 76 MHz ultrafast laser system with Ti:Sapphire oscillator and tunable OPO (Coherent Verdi V-18, Mira-HP, and Mira-OPO)
- Nikon Eclipse TI-U Inverted Microscope with assorted objectives
- Variable repetition rate (single shot to 200 kHz) one-box Yb Oscillator/Amplifier with dual tunable noncollinear optical parametric amplifiers (Spectra-Physics Spirit NOPA)
- 600 mm, 220mm, and 150 mm delay lines
- Fiber-coupled 500 mm spectrograph
- High-speed linear cameras and electronics for visible and NIR
- Zurich Instruments HF2LI and SRS 844 Lock-in Amplifiers, and SR400 Gated Photon Counter
- Cryostat with transfer line, heater, and temperature controller
The not-so-fast bay features:
- 14’x5’x24” floating optical table
- Two Nikon Eclipse TI-U Inverted Microscopes with high-NA immersion objectives and high-quality dichroics and edge filters
- Volume holographic grating notch filter for low-frequency Raman
- 500 mm Spectrograph and CCD camera for photoluminescence and Raman
- 405nm pulsed diode, 488nm, 532 nm, and 785 nm CW laser lines, and access to ultrafast lasers via fiber optics
- Single photon counting avalanche photodiodes for visible and NIR and time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) electronics
- Integrating sphere for quantum yield measurements
- Microscope-compatible cryostat with temperature controller
Immediately adjacent to our lab is the Olsen Lab, which contains a suite of complementary capabilities in organic polymer synthesis and cell culture.
Other facilities that we regularly use:
- MIT.nano
- Center for Materials Science and Engineering (AFM, SEM, TEM, XRD, ALD, ellipsometry)
- ONE Lab growth facility (thermal evaporation, sputtering, optoelectronic device fabrication and testing)
- eni-MIT Nanomaterials Metrology Lab (thermal evaporation, spectrophotometry, AFM)
- Microsystems Technology Laboratory (lithography, nanofabrication)
- RLE Scanning Electron Beam Lithography facility
- Center for Functional Nanomaterials at Brookhaven National Laboratory, (Advanced Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy)
- Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source